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Computational Biology and Chemistry

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Journal Access: Available in both online and print version.

Journal scope: The Journal of chemistry and computational Biology aims in important findings demostrate novelty in methodology and new research to the following class of Chemistry and Computational Biology.

Subject areas: Chemistry

Physical chemistry: Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, statistical mechanics, spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and theoretical chemistry.
Chemical kinetics, Electrochemistry, Photochemistry, Quantum chemistry, Spectroscopy, Stereochemistry, Surface science, Thermochemistry, Calorimetry, Organic chemistry, Bioorganic chemistry, Biophysical chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical organic chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Materials chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Computational chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Green chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemical biology, Chemo-informatics, Flow chemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Materials science, Mathematical chemistry, Mechanochemistry, Molecular biology, Nanotechnology, Radiochemistry and Synthetic chemistry.

Computational Biology:

Computational Biology: Includes computer models for biological systems to understand the behaviour and action of biological system uder different environment.

Computational biomodeling.

Computational genomics (Computational genetics): Computational and Statistical Genetics.

Computational neuroscience: Relates to model the brain to study various aspects of neurological system includes Realistic brain models and simplifying brain models.

Computational pharmacology: Computational methods to study and analyse genomic data to findout links between particular genotypes and its relation with the diseases.

Computational evolutionary biology: Study of evolutionary changes suing evolutionary system models. 

Cancer computational biology: Analysis of cancer causing molecules and human genome to the causation of cancers.

The journal publishes high quality of original articles, reviews and rapid communications in areas of chemistry, chemical engineering and computational biology.

Please go through author submission guidelines before submission.

Journal Indexing

Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016


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