Dr.Samuel Carda-Broch

Country Editor (Spain)

Dr.Samuel Carda-Broch is a professor in the Physical and Analytical Chemistry department at the University Jaume I (Spain) since 2002. He doctorate in 1999 at the University of Valencia (Spain) and then he carried out a 2 year postdoc in the Université Claude-Bernard-Lyon 1 (Lyon, France) in the laboratory of Dr. A. Berthod. He has also collaborated with Dr. D.W. Armstrong (Arlington University, Texas, USA) and Dr. M.C. García-Alvarez-Coque (University of Valencia, Spain). He has published several articles in scientific journals in the Analytical Chemistry field (Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Chromatography A, Analyst, Analytica Chimica Acta, etc) and participated in several international scientific symposia (HPLC, ISC, Euroanalysis, etc). Currently, he works on the development and validation of new methods for the determination of a variety of drugs in several matrixes (biological, pharmaceuticals and environmental) using micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) technique. Dr. Carda-Broch has also worked in the field of ionic liquids, and has used the counter current chromatography and gas chromatography techniques.

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