Associate Editor
Born Mexico City March 1947.
Graduate UNAM in 1970 Residency in Anatomic Pathology 1971- 74. Work for 20 years in Hospital Especialidades la Raza IMSS Mexico City.
BOARD CERTIFICATES 1.- Anatomic Pathology 2.- Clinical Pathology.
1.- Academia Mexicana de Cirugía.
2.- Mexican Society of Pathologist
3.- Mexican Society of Clinical Pathology.
4.-ColegioMexicano de colposcopía(Colposcopy Society).
1.- President of Mexican society of Pathologist 1993-95, 2.- Treasurer in 1985- 87 3.- secretary in 1989-1991.
ColegioMexicano de Colposcopía: 1.-Vice treasure 20012-13. 2 Scientific comitte 215-17.
EDITORIAL BOARDS 1.-PatologíaRevistaLatinoamericana 2004-up to date. 2 Cirugía y Cirujanos 3.- Revista de Ginecología y Obstetricia de Mexico, Board of reviewers.AWARDS
1.- Federacion Mexicana de Ginecología y Obstetricia (Mexican Federation of Ginecology and Obstetrics) and 2.- Academia Mexicana de Cirugia (Mexican Academy of Surgery) both for “Utilidad de p16 en biopsias de cérvix”, (Utility of p16 in cervical biopsies) otorgadospor La Academia Mexicana de Cirugía y el ColegioMexicano de Ginecología y Obstetricia en 2007. 3
1.- “Virus del papilomahumano: Unaversiónparatodos” 2006 (Human Papilloma Virus one versión for all.
2.-“EstudioCitológico,Papanicolaoucomoobtenerunamuestracorrecta”2013 (Cytology, Papanicolaou how to obtain a correct simple) .
3.- PatologíaGinecológicaIlustrada 2015.
1.-Improving cytology samples from the uerine cérvix: A simple visual instruction Am J of colposcopy and cervical pathology2004;8:43-47
2.-Improving sensitivity of cervical cytology by removal of cervical secretions before sampling: a prospective study in Mexico Int J ClinExpPathol 2014;7(9)
3.-Mitosis is a source of potential markers for screening and survival and the rapeutic targets in cervical cancer. PLoS One 2013;8(2):e55975.
4.-Biopsia del cuellouterino ¿esconfiable y reproducible el diagnósticohistológico? GinecolObstetMex 2007;75(9):615-20.
20 more publications.