Giant Coal-Derived Gas Fields and Their Gas Sources in China, 1st Edition

Rs 1,176.47Rs 1,470.59

Presents the geological and geochemical characteristics of 32 coal-derived giant gas fields in China.

: Rs 1,470.59

: Rs 1,274.51

: Rs 1,176.47

SKU: 102124 Category:

Product Description

Giant Coal-Derived Gas Fields and Their Gas Sources in China presents a thorough look at 32 coal-derived gas fields in China. This reference book includes two main parts, the first discussing the geologic characteristics of the tectonic, stratigraphy, source and cap rock assemblage for the accumulation periods.

The second part features multiple differential indexes, charts, phase states (gas, liquid, solid), and the methods used to determine the sources of the coal-derived giant gas fields. As the first comprehensive coverage of the methods of gas to source correlation in China, this book will be a classic reference for researchers working in natural gas geology and geochemistry, and teachers working in universities around the world.

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