International Journal of Pedodontics
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Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research
Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research Editorial note I am delighted to introduce Lawrence Press’s new Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research. The Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research provides an exciting opportunity to consider the truly interdisciplinary nature of current studies in the field of cardiovascular diseases. The objective of Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research is to publish high-quality and up-to-date original articles alongside perceptive state-of-the-art reviews as well as teaching and unusual case reports. With each journal issue we hope for advancing everyday practice of cardiology and help authors translate their research results into the day to day patients’ care. All articles undergo a detailed peer review process to provide the readers with the best possible quality of articles. I hope these are just the appetizers of what you will fancy in every issue of the new journal. Dr.Olga Mozenska, MD, PhD Editor-in-Chief Journal of Advanced Cardiology Research |
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Journal of Craniofacial Research
Journal of craniofacial research Editor-in-Chief message In the continuous changing world where new research finding is coming up in the area of craniofacial dentistry we need to be proactive in learning cutting edge finding and techniques and I am confident that JCR will deliver the recent craniofacial research and impetus on research culture among researcher in various aspects of craniofacial dentistry. It’s my a profound pleasure and warm welcomed to the readership of journal of craniofacial research. The Journal of craniofacial research focused on various research work and their outcomes related to craniofacial research for improving oral care and craniofacial health. The journal is committed in providing a receptive and reliable platform for the publication of relevant high-quality manuscripts of an international standards while instilling values of publication ethics. I appreciate the endless effort of many people in development of the JCR and with the support of your I see a bright future of JCR. We welcome your feedback. Editor-in-Chief Prof S.K Diwan Journal of Craniofacial Research
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Journal of Periodontal Practice
Journal of Periodontal Practice Editor-in-Chief message Dear all, It’s my immense pleasure to introduce you the inaugural issueof Journal of Periodontal Practice.As the title indicates, our objective is to translate knowledge and research into practical clinical applications. We intend for this publication to be one of the most innovative and widely read journals to assist multidisciplinary clinical teams in the long-term management of all aspects of periodontal disease. This Journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to strengthen the scientific knowledge in area of Periodontics, Periodontal Practice and Clinical research either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication/Case study/Letter to editor and Review Articles on a current topic. The goal of practical applications is not only to expose the reader to the science supporting clinical decision-making in a specific situation, but also to demonstrate the critical elements of how to manage specific aspects of a case. The journal has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary issues, as we are conscious that many complex periodontal problems require multi-disciplinary solutions. We are grateful to the many individuals who played an essential role in the creation and launch of Journal of Periodontal Practice. We welcome our readers to this inaugural issue. I look forward to welcoming your submissions. Dr.SreenivasNagarakanti Editor-in-Chief Journal of Periodontal Practice |
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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
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Research and Review in Prosthorestorative Dentistry
Research and Review in Prosthorestorative Dentistry New Platform With the continious changing trends, treatment methodology and technologies in Prosthodentistry for treatment of pateints accquired and cogential oral defects. The Research and Review in Prosthorestorative Dentistry aims to provides a global platform to exchange the latest state of art in the form of original research, review, reports, images and case reports in the area of prosthodentistry. Dr.J.R.Patel Editor-in-Chief Research and Review in Prosthorestorative Dentistry |
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