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Journal of Art & Social Sciences

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Journal Access: Open, available in both online and print version.

Principal objective of Journal of Art & Social Sciences, is to publish scholarly research finding which investigates:

A. Empirical methods to consider society and human behaviour, human condition, using primarily analytical, critical, or speculative methods.
B. Human condition, using primarily analytical, critical, or speculative methods.
c. Humans and its social relations,which includes economics, psychology, and sociology,anthropology, political science.
D. Diverse human activities,includes ways of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture and paintings.

Major areas: The Journal aims to develop new insights and publish articles and reviews with theoretical and methodological contexts in the areas of arts,social science and humanities.

The review of submitted articles will be coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief and other editorial board members. Final acceptance or rejection of articles will be based on the review report and editorial decision.

Please go through author submission guidelines before submission.

Journal of Art & Social Sciences

Scope of the journal

Architecture, Art, Art History, Art Management,Dance, English, Ethnic Studies,Film, Folklore, Graphic Design,History, Landscape Architecture,Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Music, Performing Arts,Postcolonial Identities, Product Design, Religion, Second Language Studies, Speech/Communication,Theatre, Visual Arts,Cross-Disciplinary Areas of Arts And Humanities,Applied Social Modeling And Simulation,Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, And All Other Cultural And Ethnic Studies),Behavioral And Psychological Sciences,ognitive, Psychological And Behavioral Sciences,Communication And Information Technologies In Social Sciences, Communication, Communities And E-Societies,Complex Socio-Cognitive-Technical Systems,Complexity Theory In The Social Sciences,Computation And Social Networks, Computational Methods In Social Science,Confluence Of Social Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity,Criminology And Criminal Justice Studies With International Relations, History, Human And Social Evolutionary Complexity, Human Development Based On Psychological And Social Concepts, Human Rights Development, Human-Computer Interactions, Human-Environment Interactions Information And Communication Systems, Innovation, Technology And Society, Interdisciplinary Research And Studies, International Relations & Collaborations, Journalism, Knowledge Management And Knowledge Economy, Land-Use Modeling Techniques And Applications, Law And Justice, Learning And Behavioral Modeling Media And Communications, Technology, Open Learning And Distance Education, Organizational Decision Making, Physics Methods For Analyzing Social Complexity Population And Development, Preservation And Green Urbanism, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Governance, Race/Ethnic Studies, Social And Organizational Networks, Social Complexity, Social Computing, Social Network Analysis, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Work, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, And Technological Systems, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Sociology,Sociology And Social Computation, Sport And Physical Education, Standards For Metadata, Ontologies, Annotation, Curation, Sustainable Human And Social Development, Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, Sustainable Urban Transport And Environment, Technology And Education, Urban Studies, Violence, Extremism, And Terrorism,Virtual Communities And Communications.

Reasons to get accepted:

1. Study is insights of new research finding.

2. Study useful for the policy makers.

3. Study is a new theory or advancement of old one.

4. Study raised some new or important issue.

5. Study is logical without an internal contradiction.

Authors benefit: Free high responsive PDF and copy right with special waiver on management journals published by Lawarence Press.

Full view of Editorial Board. Click here.

The journal is committed to providing a receptive and reliable platform for the publication of relevant high-quality manuscripts of an international standard while instilling values of publication ethics.

Journal Indexing

Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Volume 03, Issue 01


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