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Food and Nutrition
Frontiers of Accounting and Finance
Frontiers of Accounting and Finance Reasons to get accepted:
Authors benefit: Free high responsive PDF and copy right with special waiver on management journals publsihed by Lawarence Press. Full view of Editorial Board.Click here. |
Frontiers of Aerosol Science
Frontiers of Design Research
Frontiers of Ecological Engineering and Enviromental Science
Frontiers of Machine Tools and Manufacture
Frontiers of Marketing Research (ISSN- 2456-3919)
Frontiers of Marketing Research Reasons to get accepted: 1. Study is insights of new research finding. 2. Study useful for the policy makers. 3. Study is a new theory or advancement of old one. 4. Study raised some new or an important issue. 5. Study is logical without an internal contradiction. Authors benefit: Free high responsive PDF and copy right with special waiver on management journals published by Lawarence Press. Full view of Editorial Board. Click here. The journal is committed to providing a receptive and reliable platform for the publication of relevant high-quality manuscripts of an international standard while instilling values of publication ethics. Journal Indexing