Frontiers of Accounting and Finance

Strategic influence of Networks on the Innovative Capability Entrepreneurial firms



The relationship between networking and the innovativecapabilityof entrepreneurs in the Nigeria plastic industry was examined to determine the extent to which networks stimulate the creativity of innovation in the industry. Two dimensional construct with six variables were advance for the study to capture the relationship between the identified networking capability and the innovative prowess of entrepreneurs. Structural equation model was used to analyze the data collected this was based on equation ability to validate propounded theory and show the multiple relationships among construct following their reliability and validation. The confirmatory factor analysis model displayed good fit following their assessment using three indices – absolute, incremental, parsimony. The result confirmed the test that networking tactics displayed by employees and firm’s actually encouraged the stimulation of innovation that drive the creativity in the plastic industry.  Individual were not afraid to develop ideas and demonstrate such ideas since management promote and reward successful ideas that is sustainable. Managers were therefore recommended to identify and promote networking capabilities that can stimulate entrepreneurial innovation and healthy competition among employees in the industry.


Networkscapability, Innovative prowess, Opportunity, Structural equation model,creativity, ideas.

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