Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Raising growth of date palm cv. Bartomouda plantlets with date palm pollen grain extract and amino acids compound under greenhouse condition

Darwesh Rasmia, S.S El-Banna AA, Gehan Mohamad Y


Plantlets of date palm under greenhouse is needed for enhancing by different fertilizers treatments, this process can be done
by natural products have useful contents to plants and environmental Thus in order to increase the growth and development
of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) plantlets in vitro production, plantlets were exposed to date palm pollen grain extract and
amino acids compound in the green house, studying various levels as (T0) 2.0 g/l NPK one time/2 weeks, (T1) 600 ppm extract
date palm pollen grain + T0, (T2) 800 ppm extract date palm pollen grain + T0, (T3) 3 ml/l total amino acids + T0 and (T4) 6 ml/l total amino acids + T0, plantlets were subjected one time/2 weeks. The experiment was conducted with three replications in
randomized complete design with four treatments in addition to control treatment. Results showed that plant height, leaves numbers/plantlet and fresh and dry weights of leaves were significantly affected and were increasing under two levels of extract
date palm pollen grain more than compounds of amino acids at two levels compared to control treatment. Furthermore, leaves
chlorophyll a and b, total indoles mg/g f.w., carbohydrates and amino acids mg/g f.w. were rising under two levels of date palm pollen grain extract and compound of amino acids with significant difference. High concentration of extract pollen grain date palm has the highest estimated results. Thus the useful effect of natural extract as date palm pollen grain extract is for enhancing growth, in addition to protection of environment and soils under decreased chemical fertilisers.


date palm, extract, growth, greenhouse, indoles

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