Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Characteristics of soil under different land use have enormous potential for checking erosion in Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria.

Igboji Ola Paul, Nnenna Okey Nwankwo


The study was carried out at the existing gmelina plantation established by the forestry department at Abakaliki; cultivated and fallow land at Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management Teaching and Research Farm, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria. To characterise soil under different land use for checking erosion. Soil samples were collected from three different locations at a depth of 0 – 20 cm. The results showed that particle size distribution of the three locations were as follows: 688.0; 605.5 and 610.5 g kg-1 sand in gmelina plantation, cultivated land and fallow land respectively. That of silt fraction was 283.0; 258.0 and 173.0 g kg-1for cultivated land, fallow land and gmelina plantation; while clay fraction was 145.0; 139.0 and 111.5 g kg-1 for fallow land, gmelina plantation and cultivated land. The bulk density recorded in fallow land, cultivated land and gmelina were 98.5; 96.0 and 81.75 g cm-3; while total porosity in corresponding land use were 53.25; 47.25 and 55.50%. The order of gravimetric moisture content was 36.25; 28.75 and 18.5% for gmelina plantation, fallow land and cultivated land respectively. The soil pH were 6.60; 5.90 and 5.50 for fallow land, cultivated land and gmelina plantation; while available phosphorus were 84.50; 47.35 and 41.90 mg kg-1 for fallow land, gmelina plantation and cultivated land. The total nitrogen were 1.65; 1.50 and 1.10 g kg-1 for gmelina plantation, fallow land and cultivated land; while the total organic carbon for corresponding land use were 16.40; 18.30 and 18.30 g kg-1 respectively. Generally, soil characteristics conducive for future erodibility or K-factor studies were in gmelina plantation and fallow land, while continuously cultivated land was more depressive.  It was recommended that land cover is basic to improving physico-chemical properties of the soil. They are also essential for addressing soil erosion. The cumulative soil characteristics over decades amongst others parameters not covered in current research will be useful in calculating K-factor or soil erodibility.

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