Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Advantages of Endoscopic Septoplasty

Tanvir Hussain, Dakheelallah Almutairi, Talal Alandejani, Mohammed Al Garni, Aisha Amin Shamsaddin | Vol 08 | Issue 06 | Pp:114-116.


Introduction This study examines the advantages of using endoscopic septoplasty among the patients with the symptoms of deflected nasal septum. After septoplasty operation, most of the patients complains of nasal pain and obstruction.

Objective of Study To determine good effects of endoscopic septoplasty technique over routine septoplasty interim of post-operative nasal obstruction and nasal pain.

Materials and Methods The research was done among the patients admitted in King Abdul Aziz medical city, national guard hospital Jeddah between the period of January 2016 and January 2017. It involved 100 patients, where 30 of them went through the conventional septoplasty whereas 70 underwent endoscopic septoplasty. Following the surgery, all the participants were asked to record their pain levels using a visual analog scale (VAS). They were also asked about the level of satisfaction about nasal breathing.

Statistically, the results confirmed a significant reduction of pain among the patients who underwent endoscopic septoplasty of (P < 0.05) compared to those who underwent conventional septoplasty.

Conclusion It inferentially implies that endoscopic septoplasty is the best procedure for the treatment of nasal obstruction following the deviated nasal septum.

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