Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Implant Supported Overdenture : A Review

Swati Sharma, Monika Makkar, Samarjit Singh Teja, Preetinder Singh


Complete edentulism affects adversely the overall health related quality of life. There are many prosthetic options to rehabilitate such cases like conventional complete dentures, implant supported overdentures & implant supported fixed prosthesis. Choice of implant supported overdentures for rehabilitation of completely edentulous maxilla & mandible has many advantages over other prosthetic options in respect of reduced cost, increased retention & esthetics, maintained ease, reduced anterior ridge resorption, limited lateral movements & hence reduced soft tissue trauma. Greater stability of overdenture is due to mechanical attachments of the implant support system retaining the restoration. Various attachment systems are currently available to restore implant supported overdenture & are used according to clinical case scenario.


Implant supported overdenture, ridge atrophy, overdenture attachments

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