Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Scaffolds in Periodontal Regeneration

Mitul Mishra, Prachi Mishra, Vaibhao Shambharkar, Amber Raut


Periodontal tissue engineering requires triad of cells, inductive component and a scaffold on which growth can occur. Previously periodontal treatment was aimed to selectively repopulate the defect site with cell that has capability to regenerate lost tissue by using the concept of guided tissue regeneration. However, this technique is not always possible. Use of scaffolds that can also deliver cells required for regeneration to occur is relatively a newer concept. A biomaterial is defined as a nonviable material used in a medical device, intended to interact with biological systems. For a device to be effective, it has to meet certain criteria based on organ and tissue properties and specific goals. Every material available in market has its own advantages and disadvantages. This review will mainly focus on the devices along with the advancement taking place related to cell delivery system.


regeneration, tissue engineering, scaffold, cell delivery system

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