Journal of Construction and Building Materials

A Proposed Method on the Analysis of the Square Functionality A Case Study: Beyazit Square Field Work

Fatih Semerci, Enes Ya?a


In this research, analysis method based on users and sustainable squares are focused on the users. In this context,
“observation method” was used for users orientation in the fields (squares). By this method, we can do users observation and
users mapping analysis. By this way we can compare the data obtained with the mathematical data used by Space Syntax
method. Space Syntax is a user-oriented method. In this way, we can obtain data about using space and user orientation in
the space. So, square’s circulation and static fields are determined. By using the methods, functional and useful spaces will
be provided at the same time the production of sustainable spaces.
In this research, Beyazit Square in the ?stanbul Historic Peninsula is selected for application area. The method has been
tested in this area. With the results of the analysis demonstrated comments for sustainable square design.


squares, observation method, space syntax, open spaces, squares analysis, square functionality

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