Journal of Art & Social Sciences

A Study on Job Satisfaction Level of Faculty Members of Government and Private Colleges of Nagaland in Relation to Work Activities

Ranjit Paul, Horen Goowalla


In this day and age, job satisfaction is an extremely important as it is related to job accomplishment and turnover which has turned into a serious problem in the management of educational institutions. This is because, research has established that employees with high job satisfaction show high energy, liveliness, eagerness, delightful engagement and enthusiasm and employees with dissatisfaction show distress, grief, agony, unlikable engagement and jumpiness. The study aims to focus the present level of job satisfaction among the Private and Government college faculty members of Nagaland in relation to work activities of the college. In this research, 75 Governments and 75 Privates, 150 in total working in different Government and Private colleges in Nagaland having more than 5 year services of faculty members were examined. The data received were analyzed and the findings of the study were generalized with the aid of chi-square test of independence of attributes. Conclusions were also provided. It has attempted to throw a light of faculty members of Government and Private colleges in Nagaland about their significance or insignificant relationship on various factors affecting job satisfaction level in respect of work activities of the college.


Job Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Faculty Members, and Work Activities.

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