Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research

No reflow phenomenon decelerating cardiac tamponade from a guidewire-induced distal coronary perforation: a paradoxal ‘protective’ effect

K. Konstantinou, K. Aznaouridis, C. Masoura, G. Lazaros, D. Tousoulis


Guidewire-induced coronary artery perforation during percutaneous coronary intervention is a potentially dramatic complication
that can cause acute pericardial tamponade. We report a case of a male patient who had no reflow and a missed guidewire-induced distal coronary perforation after a primary coronary intervention for ST segment elevation myocardial infarction at a district hospital. It seems that the poor coronary flow post-procedure decelerated the accumulation of blood in the pericardial cavity and prevented the development of full-blown tamponade immediately post-procedure. This is the first description of this paradoxal ‘protective’ effect of no reflow in a patient with this unusual combination of two adverse outcomes after a primary coronary intervention.


coronary perforation, no reflow, cardiac tamponade

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