European Journal of Economic and Business (ISSN - 2456-3900)

Management of the Cop21 Policies: What is Lacking in the Cop21 Project

Jan Erik Lane


Abrupt climate change is a reformulation of climate change theory that must be taken seriously. Building upon the speedy melting of the Arctic, the emergence of massive methane emissions and constantly increasing Keeling curve, the time span for global warming has been considerably reduced. This calls for a strong policy response from global coordination efforts in order to avoid Hawking irreversibly time point. Thus far, the UN bodies have done investigations into and conferences onto climate change. Faced with abrupt climate change, rapid policy implementation and management is the priority.


abrupt climate change, demand for energy, Arctic ice melt down, global ocean conveyor belt, solar panel parks, COP21 Treaty

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Solar power sources

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GDP sources:

World Bank national accounts data - OECD National Accounts data files.

GHG and energy sources:

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Energy Information Administration. Washington, DC.

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EU Emissions Database for Global Research EDGAR,

World Bank Data Indicators,

British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy 2016.


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